MEN 1873-1895
MEN 1895-2024
WOMEN 2018-2024
St. Helens  7
Mr Higsons Salford  0
St. Helens  7
Mr Higsons Salford  0
1st Sep 1888
Not Known


The St. Helens Football Club opened their season under very favourable circumstances on Saturday. The Saints have succeeded in securing some capital exponents for the emanating season, notably Joe Allen (Kendal Hornets), Tommy Barnes (Warrington), Billy Cross (Kendal Hornets) and Christopher Howard (Warrington) who all made a satisfactory debut. The opponents played a good individual game but lacked the combination which their antagonists enjoyed, and like so many had to acknowledge the superiority of combined forces. Just before the commencement Mr. J Mearns, president of the St. Helens Football Club, after a suitable speech, presented the captain, Alec Borthwick, with a pretty cap.

Directly after the presentation, the President started the game by kicking off. The all red jerseys of Salford and the all blue ones of the home contingent made a pretty contrast. Play settled down in neutral territory until a capital run by Joseph Halton gave his side a decided advantage, which they maintained for some time and ultimately Joseph Halton gained a try. William Haselden failed to improve the point. On dropping out Salford succeeded in reaching the opposing quarters, but St. Helens eventually reversed matters, and registered a dead ball. Salfor then assumed the aggressive and Tommy Barnes was compelled to save. Salford, however, resumed their aggressive tactics, and McGowan and Mallinson made marks which did not benefit them. Shortly after half time was called.

St. Helens, on crossing over, now had the advantage of a good breeze, but on restarting, the visiting forwards made a gallant rush to within a few yards of of the opposing line, and William Haselden was fortunate in being in a position to save. St. Helens now harassed the rival defence, and ultimately Jospeh Halton roused the enthusiasm of the numerous spectators, by dropping a capital goal. The home contingent still kept up the attack, and Tommy Barnes effected a brilliant run over the line, but unfortunately a Warringtonian relinquished his hold of the ball and it was left for Richard Ellison to complete the try. Haselden being successful ins attempt at goal.
br> St. Helens ultimately won the well contested game by 2 goals, 1 try and 5 minors to Salford 2 minors.

NOTE Mr. Higson was the Chairman of the Salford Rugby Football Club.

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