MEN 1873-1895
MEN 1895-2024
WOMEN 2018-2024
St. Helens  0
Kendal Hornets  0
St. Helens  0
Kendal Hornets  0
10th Sep 1887
Not Known
MATCH NOTES : Played at Fleetwood


The match was played at Fleetwood in connection with the grand fete and gala on the occasion of the opening of the new pier and public library. This being the first Rugby match ever played in the town, fully two thousand spectators lined the ropes. Both teams were fully represented and great interest was attached to the match, as on the occasion of the last meeting of these clubs, St. Helens beat the Hornets on their own ground, an event which had not occurred for four years. The day was not favourable for football with a heavy wind blowing from goal to goal. It was decided to divide the game into four quarters of 15 minutes.

Walker, the Hornets captain, won the toss and elected to play downhill with the wind. The game became very fast, but strive as they might the hornets could not break through the splendid defence of the St. Helens’ forwards. At the end not a minor had been scored.

In the second quarter the St. Helens team had the hill and wind in their favour and played up in a most determined fashion, nothing two minors.

In the third quarter the Hornets equalised matters by obtaining two minors.

In the last quarter the game became intensely exciting, and with the strong wind at their backs, the Saints seemed to pin the Hornets in their own twenty-five the greater part of the time. Charles Anders and Alec Borthwick both narrowly escaped dropping goals. This was hard line for the Saints but they succeeded in adding three minors to their score. The game which was very pleasantly contested and which was very even - ended in a draw - St. Helens 5 minors to Kendal Hornets 3 minors.

INTERESTING NOTE The Kendal Hornets team on the day paraded no fewer than seven players who would don the colours of the Saints in years to come, namely, Joe Allen, Jack Armstrong, Thomas Gott Baines, John ‘Buff’ Berry, Billy Cross, George Battersby and Thomas Hind. Very much the start of a beautiful friendship!

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