MEN 1873-1895
MEN 1895-2024
WOMEN 2018-2024
St. Helens  
Widnes True Blues  
St. Helens  
Widnes True Blues  
29th Oct 1881
Not Known

MATCH REPORT : Widnes True Blues v St Helens Rangers 29 October 1891

The match was played at Widnes and resulted in a victory for the St. Helens Rangers. For some time, after the Blues making the kick off, Wright, one of their three-quarters, was the most prominent player and gave the visitors plenty of tackling exercise. The Blues were the first to score a major point by Bagley running in a try which was not improved upon. Soon after the drop out Mervin obtained another try, which Burgess converted into a goal. The next to score was Gee, who obtained a try on behalf of the Rangers; but Borthwick failed to obtain the coveted point. Soon after the drop out Webb got hold and made a splendid run from the centre flag and would have gained a try had not H. Bingham pushed him into touch about a yard from the goal. On the ball being thrown outage home team forced it from its dangerous position into the visitors 25, and here Bee made nice although futile, drop at goal. A few minutes further play, during which neither team gained any material point brought half time.

After a short interval the Rangers’ captain set the ball in motion. For twenty minutes the game went on without either team adding to their score, although both goals were on several occasions in danger. Fred Traverse of the Rangers now made a splendid run from near the Blue’s 25 flagged evaded all attempts to collar him until he was within a few yards of the goal line. A scrummage was formed and Everton getting hold carried the ball over the goal line. The Blues disputed this try, for some reason or other, but the Rangers’ captain, Alec Borthwick, decided to kick. He took the place, and sent the ball over the mark in fine style. Arnold followed next with another try for the Rangers - Borthwick took the place which failed. On the Blues dropping out the visitors after a few minutes were attacking the home team in their 25. Gregson getting hold made a strong run in. The place was entrusted to Rogers who did the needful by sending the ball over the bar. Time was now called.

The points being as follows: - St. Helens Rangers 2 tries, 2goals and 2 touchdowns. Widnes True Blues: - 1 goal, 1 try, 1 touch-in goal, 1 dead ball and 2 touchdowns

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