MEN 1873-1895
MEN 1895-2024
WOMEN 2018-2024
St. Helens  0
Maoris  7
St. Helens  0
Maoris  7
14th Mar 1889
Not Known


The meeting between these two teams had been greatly anticipated. The Maoris arrive from Manchester and were greeted at the station by Mr. J.P.Mears, president of the St. Helens Football Club, and several members of the committee. Their arrival was also witnessed by a large crowd who had assembled outside the station. Mr. Dixon’s stagecoach was waiting, and they were conveyed to the Lingholme Hotel the headquarters of the local Club. On donning their playing attire they repaired to the field, on which were assembled about five thousand spectators, good number of whom had come from Widnes and district. The Maoris had a good team, there being only four notable Emma absent , these being W. Warbrick< Lee, Keogh and Madigan. St Helens were unfortunately without half back Billy Cross, but they had the assistance of Jack Hurst of Leigh and Richard Beard of Kendal Hornets. Jack Hurst was hurt early into the second half and had to retire from play.

The Maoris won the toss and Alec Borthwick kicked off for the saints. It was at once perceived that the game would be a fast and exciting one. St. Helens distinguished themselves in scrummages and once when they had the best of the Maoris in the scrummage, they were greeted with tremendous cheers. After play had vacillated around the centre, the Maoris entered the home half, where play remained for some time. Billy Lund put in a long kick and subsequently Daniel McLaughlin rushed through a scrum getting on the line, one of the home forwards should have picked up for an easy try but missed and The Maori McCausland saved the day. A free kick fell to the Saints and they drew the first point by registering a minor. The score remained as this until half time.

In the second half the Maoris went off in a dash. Jack Hurst, the loanee from Leigh, was brought down heavily in a tackle and had to retire inconsequence of getting his ankle twisted. Soon after Elliot scored the first try for the Maoris. McCausland failing to convert. Some smart play from Maynard, Elliot and Gage resulted in “Smiler” scoring near the posts. McCausland was successful at goal. There followed some good play from the Saints as Ted Foreman, Ralph Twist and Solomon Huyton made progress into the Maoris’ territory. Shortly afterwards the Maori three-quarter Gage who had been playing a brilliant game, received a pass and dropped a splendid goal. Almost immediately after the kick of Maori half back Elliot dashed over. McCausland again failing at the place. The Saints came back into contention as Joe Allen kicked the ball over the visitors’ goal-line to register a minor for the home team. As the Maoris dashed into the St. Helens quarter, W. Wynard kicked across to Gage who sprinted over for a try. McCausland failed with the conversion.

Score: - Maoris 2 goal and 3 tries to St. Helens 2 minors.

Maori team: Full back, Edward McCausland; Three-quarter backs, Frederick Warbrick, William Wynward, David Gage; Half backs, “Smiler”, Elliot, Henry Wynard; Forwards, Richard Tairoa, George Wynard, Thomas Ellison, Richard Maynard, William Anderson, George Williams, David Stewart, Arthur Warbrick

After the match the Maoris were entertained to dinner at the Fleece Hotel, and they were later present at the Theatre Royal and Opera House, advertised as a “Grand fashionable night”.

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